Tuesday, May 15, 2012

FYI France: things to do...

FYI France (since 1992) -- http://www.fyifrance.com
File 3: Ejournal & archive, by Jack Kessler, kessler@well.sf.ca.us -- archive copy of an EXTRA issue of the FYI France ejournal, ISSN 1071-5916, distributed via email on May 15, 2012, and a little later here on http://fyifrance.blogspot.com, and on Facebook at Jack Kessler's "Notes".


A few things to do this summer, if you are in France or will be there: a chance to compare how their sumptuous "exhibition" offerings compare with their often equally-elegant online digital library projects --

-- and all the above are described now in more detail at,


Vacation's almost here!


Jack, kessler@well.com