Monday, December 13, 2010

FYI France : The Roma in France, recent books -- and a Note about the Internet

FYI France

File 3: Ejournal and archive -- by Jack Kessler,
September 15, 2010 issue. This file presents an archive copy of the issue of the FYI France ejournal, ISSN 1071-5916, which was distributed via email on September 15, 2010 -- and, a little later, on, and at Facebook-Jack Kessler's Wall-

The Roma in France, recent books; and a Note about the Internet

(Reverse order by publication date: all books are in French unless English or l'américain are indicated.)


(in English) (forthcoming) Brannan, Eddie. Gypsies (powerHouse Books, April 5, 2011) 150 pages ; photography by Patrick Cariou ; introduction by Guy-Laurent Winterstein ; ISBN-10: 1576875709 ; ISBN-13: 978-1576875704


(in English) (forthcoming) Hancock, Ian. Danger! Educated Gypsy: Selected Essays (University Of Hertfordshire Press, November 1, 2010) 288 pages ; ISBN-10: 1902806999 ; ISBN-13: 978-1902806990 ; Publisher's description: "About the Author -- Ian Hancock is Director of the Romani Archives and Documentation Center at The University of Texas at Austin, where he has been a professor of English, linguistics and Asian studies since 1972. He was born in Britain and descends on his father's side from Hungarian Romungre Romanies and on his mother's side from English Romanichal Gypsies. He has represented the Romani people at the United Nations and served as a member of the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Council under President Bill Clinton."

(in English) Batillard, Paul. Beginning Of The Immigration Of Gypsies In Western Europe In The Fifteenth Century(Pierides Press, July 26, 2010) 108 pages ; ISBN-10: 1445521385 ; ISBN-13: 978-144552138 ; Publisher's description: "Many of the earliest books, particularly those dating back to the 1900's and before, are now extremely scarce and increasingly expensive. We are republishing these classic works in affordable, high quality, modern editions, using the original text and artwork."

Bordigoni, Marc. Les gitans (Le Cavalier Bleu, 1 mai 2010) 127 pages ; 2e édition ; ISBN-10: 2846703191 ; ISBN-13: 978-2846703192.


Hubert, Marie-Christine ; Filhol, Emmanuel. Les Tsiganes en France : un sort à part 1939 - 1946 (Librairie Académique Perrin, 8 octobre 2009) 398 pages ; ISBN-10: 2262030634 ; ISBN-13: 978-2262030636.

Auzias, Claire. Choeur des femmes tsiganes (Egrégores Editions, 12 mars 2009) 491 pages ; ISBN-10: 2952381976 ; ISBN-13: 978-2952381970.

Liégeois, Jean-Pierre Roms et Tsiganes (Editions La Découverte, 12 mars 2009) 122 pages ; ISBN-10: 2707149101 ; ISBN-13: 978-2707149107.


Robert, Christophe. Eternels étrangers de l'intérieur ? : Les groupes tsiganes en France (Desclée de Brouwer, 15 novembre 2007) 451 pages ; ISBN-10: 2220058557 ; ISBN-13: 978-2220058559.

(translated from l'américain, see below) Eberstadt, Fernanda. Le Chant des Gitans : A la rencontre d'une culture dans le sud de la France (Albin Michel, 10 octobre 2007) 277 pages ; préface par John Updike ; ISBN-10: 2226179747 ; ISBN-13: 978-2226179746.

Liégeois, Jean-Pierre. L'accès aux droits sociaux des populations tsiganes en France : Rapport d'étude de la Direction générale de l'action sociale (Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Santé Publique, 5 juillet 2007) 266 pages ; ISBN-10: 2859529438 ; ISBN-13: 978-2859529437.

Baronnet, Marie-Pascale ; Bocquet, Jacques ; Filhol, Emmanuel. Les jeunes Tsiganes: le droit au savoir (L'Harmattan, 15 mai 2007) 208 pages ; ISBN-10: 2296016065 ; ISBN-13: 978-2296016064.


(in l'américain) (for the translation into French see above) Eberstadt, Fernanda. Little Money Street : in search of gypsies and their music in the south of France (Vintage, March 14 2006) preface by John Updike ; 256 pages ; ISBN: 037541116X.


Yoors, Jan. Tsiganes (Phébus, 5 novembre 2004) 288 pages ; ISBN-10: 2752900341 ; ISBN-13: 978-2752900340.


Fonseca, Isabel. Enterrez-moi debout : L'Odyssée des Gitans (Albin Michel, 5 mars 2003) 400 pages ; ISBN-10: 2226136223 ; ISBN-13: 978-2226136220.


Auzias, Claire. Samudaripen : Le Génocide des tsiganes (Esprit frappeur, 30 juin 2000) 204 pages ; ISBN-10: 284405112X ; ISBN-13: 978-2844051127.

Gila-Kochanowski, Vania de. Parlons tsigane: Histoire, culture et langue du peuple tsigane (L'Harmattan, 3 mai 2000) 262 pages ; ISBN-10: 2738426247 ; ISBN-13: 978-2738426246.

Djuric, Rajko. Sans maisons sans tombe - Bi kheresqo bi limoresqo : français-tsigane (Editions L'Harmattan, 3 mai 2000) 69 pages ; ISBN-10: 2738406017 ; ISBN-13: 978-2738406019.

Mossa. La Gitane et son destin: Témoignages d'une jeune Gitane sur la condition féminine et l'évolution du monde gitan (L'Harmattan, 3 mai 2000) 103 pages ; ISBN-10: 2738412521 ; ISBN-13: 978-2738412522.


Auzias, Claire. Les Tsiganes, ou, Le destin sauvage des Roms de l'Est (Michalon, 2 juin 1995) 130 pages ; ISBN-10: 2841860116 ; ISBN-13: 978-2841860111.

Kenrick, Donald ; Puxon, Grattan. Destins gitans (Gallimard, 23 mars 1995) ISBN-10: 2070735508 ; ISBN-13: 978-2070735501.


Yoors, Jan. La croisée des chemins : La guerre secrète des Tsiganes 1940 - 1944 (Phébus, 8 avril 1992) 272 pages ; ISBN-10: 2859402330 ; ISBN-13: 978-2859402334.


Asséo, Henriette. Les Tsiganes : Une destinée européenne (Gallimard, 1 septembre 1991) 160 pages ; ISBN-10: 2070531562 ; ISBN-13: 978-2070531561.


And a Note about the Internet :

My friend Barney Rosenthal, with whom I have scintillating conversations occasionally on vast ranges of tenuously-related topics -- including early printing, and the ageless practice of scribbling in books -- sends me the following, a mundus senescit comment from the 15th century, about the "top-of-the-heap" casual research methods, and deplorable standards generally, of the then-new and very exciting technology marvel known as "printing" --

"My dear Francesco, I have lately kept praising the age in which we live, because of the great, indeed divine gift of the new kind of writing which was recently brought to us from Germany. In fact I saw a single man printing in a single month as much as could be written by hand by several persons in a year!

"It was for this reason that I was led to hope that within a short time we should have such a large quantity of books that there wouldn't be a single work which could not be procured because of lack of means or scarcity. And so I believed that the human mind would be increasingly invigorated and literary studies would fluorish, and that this easy availability of books would encourage everyone to turn their attention to the great arts...

"...things turned out quite differently from what I had hoped. Because now that anyone is free to print whatever they wish, they often disregard that which is best and instead write, merely for the sake of entertainment, what would best be forgotten or, better still, be erased from all the books...

"What a disgrace!"

-- from Papal Censorship in the Service of Good Scholarship : A Letter Written by Niccolò Perotti in 1471, freely translated from the Latin by Bernard M. Rosenthal (Berkeley : Bernard M. Rosenthal, September 2008) limited edition --


Jack Kessler,

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Document maintained by: Jack Kessler,
Last update: September 16, 2010